I had my mock interview on tuesday which I thought was gonna be very scary but it seemed to go quite well!
I had it with a lady who worked for 'Animal' and Hilton Green, visiting tutor. I went with my portfolio, CV, business card and job description.
I wasnt sure whether to pick an aspirational job or a realistic one, but I found a fitting one that I would be really interested in on Drapers Records as a 'casual menswear shirt and trouser designer'. Sounded pretty good. Unfortunately as Drapers act as the agent for the job, I wasn't able to see which brand this job was for otherwise I would have done more research into the company.
I got a bit of feedback on my portfolio also and I need to develop it intime for the portfolio hand in on the 25th may. I need to brighten it up with fabric swatches and more details of my garments. However, showing an unfinished portfolio for the mock interview wasn't very professional but at least I know I still have another week to work on it..shame the interviews weren't after this deadline though!